B2B Opps Referral Group

Irene Saliendra

Health & Wellness, Salesforce Expert

Irene offers Salesforce setup and training, and she's also the founder of Fem Entity. Fem Entity is a SaaS-based social enterprise devoted to providing reputable knowledge and impactful experiences accessible through a single digital platform, hosting a Diverse Directory Community, composed of the wellness leaders and women-owned businesses.

Fem Entity is grounded through the values of understanding and appreciating inner balance and prioritizing self care. Fem Entity collaborates with these industry professionals, wellness leaders and women-owned businesses, to bring a range of unique events, experiences, workshops and courses around self-empowerment and development.

Fementity.ca is created to be the source for businesses and consultants to find new clients, and expand their brand awareness. Fementity.ca is designed to be an accessible user-friendly interface for clients to access exclusive content, network and meet with like-minded individuals, while also tracking their self-discovery progress. Irene and her partner, Mukisa, dream of having Fem Entity be a place for both clients and businesses to find their own forms of balance to achieve their success.

For Salesforce, contact Irene at irenesaliendra@gmail.com.